Why We Can Know (beyond WASP)
There is a certain movement always underfoot in the presence of the children of God, a movement designed to unsettle the most precious of gift's from God (beside redemption itself) - His Word. This bite in the heal is always subtle, always a sneak attack, and generally comes down to the great prevaricators first strategy - the old 'did God really say' bit.
Since I have Old Testament Introduction this semester - I am going to be taking a little break from the 'book binders' and turn my attention to the post-modern assault on not just the text of scripture - but on the foundations for knowing and understanding such text. I could call this group "the book bumblers" or something similar, but I think for now I'll just leave them at "other's".
At the outset - I want to state clearly that I am a W.A.S.P. steeped in Reformed Presbyterianism, and I believe that in no way impedes my understanding nor forces my logic into some cultural bound system, which I can't break free of, when considering the enormously important topics as canon, inspiration, incarnation, and epistemology. I believe that the scripture, and how we can know and understand it - are at the principial level of knowledge - and should be unaffected by the lasted fads of unbelief. Even if that unbelief is coming from with in the church herself. I believe that we can know - and at least in part, have known, real truths of God's covenantal dealings with and for man, precisely because they are communicated from God (and God knows!)
There is confidence to be found - in spite of the shaky foundations of modernism! There is truth and objectivity - in spite of the speculations of post modernism! This may seem like a rough start, but believe me its necessary. So hold on to your pants - and your Bible - and lets dig in.
Now now Andy, how can my academic freedom to fulfill my calling as one who explores all God's world be afraid to question everything, how can my freedom to be whatever God makes me and to feel whatever I want exist under the rule of scripture? How are we able to be ecumenical and universal if there are the elect and the reprobate? Plus,the level is for engineers, not poets nor free spirits nor gods. Like I was told by the jocks when I was a math nerd..."Hip with it, dip." Andy, i feel for you and yet God has revealed to us with certainty in an infallible, inerrant, God breathed, living, absolute, Christ
exalting, man denying,... word that even this evil travesty of lying scholarship He sends to His elect with the intention and purpose to work it for their eternal life and the final glory eternally begotten Son of God in our flesh. Heresies and academies all follow the church before that crucified the Word made flesh. And on and on we will suffer with the Word as a part of the outworking of our communion with Him. This world begs for a real resurrection and a real redemption and a real final glory. We groan as we rejoice in the things which are above.
Amen, Bring on the resurrection!
As for the level belonging to the engineer, consider all the measurements of the prophets!
The ruler is as good to measure as it is to smack. Would that all those "emergerers" emerge their hands out onto their desk and receive their rightly due ...smack from God's Word!
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